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Dear Alexa, Right now we have a fairly optimistic outlook on life and I hope that hasn’t changed. The only thing we are afraid of is social interactions. Which basically means that...

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hey chudail, tu insaan nhi h...

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Am, rašau su viltimi, kad pamiršus esi visus sunkumus kuriuos išgyvenu dabar. Tikiuosi skautuose esi pasiekusi daug ir sėkmingai turi savo būrelį skautukų. Jei ne, tuoj pat grįšk, nes tai...

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Dear future me, I know life has been a pain in the ass, but think about all the good times you shared with your family and friends! Even though there were more good moments with friends than...

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Dar kartą noriu,padėkoti UŽ TAI, KAD ESI;* Ačiū, kad išmokei mane vairuoti, džiaugtis gyvenimu ir visada mane palaikai,kaip sunku ar lengva,ačiū, kad duodi gerų gyvenimo patarimų....

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