Dear Lika,
It is Thursday, 10:20 and there is 40 more minutes left till your pre-last duty with Niki. You were talking about Georgia and you both gave promise that Niki and Keti will visit you...
Mylimas broliuk ir sūnau! Sveikinam su gražiu jubiliejum. Tik kartą gyvenime būna 18, todėl linkim, kad šis gimtadienis būtų pats nuostabiausias! Linkim meilės šansų ir finansų! :*
Dear Alexa,
Right now we have a fairly optimistic outlook on life and I hope that hasn’t changed. The only thing we are afraid of is social interactions. Which basically means that...
Dear Jacob,
Your 21, Happy Birthday! You have gone through so much in you youth. Wow, I'm starting to sound old when im young. But, honestly your three months of hell, your annoying father,...
Hi there self.
When you receive the letter, it will mark a year since the COVID 19 outbreak and the quarantine.
A little backstory is that you haven't been out for roughly a month now. You...