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My Dopey, You probably won't see this but I'll just try. Can you still remember that night? You ask me questions but I can't answer any of them. I'm there but you can't see me. I'm...

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Dear You, YES, YOU! So how are you now? Still waking up ten minutes before your class or are you preparing for you graduation now? I\'m sure you\'ll get this letter on March 31, 2015 at 5:00pm!...

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დღეს დედას და მამას ქორწინებიდან 25 წელი გავიდა Feeling hopeful, მინდა რომ კიდევ...

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Dear Max, Happy Birthday To you! You are now 17.If you go to BELIZE,You can smoke weed there legally. I pray to God for a long, healthy, and rocking life for you. May He shower all His grace...

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Labas, Simai, Čia Tau rašo Lina iš praeities {{{{: Dabar yra 2012-12-04 diena, Tu geri braškių arbatą ir žaidi savo paauglišką šaudynių žaidimą, o Henrikas guli skalbinių dėžėje...

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