Hay Kailah you we so young and now you got taller and older hope yo are doing well
Dear (Relative Future) Self,
Congratulations bro, you\'re almost done with college! I can\'t believe I\'m even thinking about that right now, I\'m just on the edge of graduating from high school...
Labas, as tave myliu, kad ir kur tu bebutum:) dabar 00:04 2012 11 28 gintaro gimtadienis, siandien buvau kine, brekstanti ausra su ruta skirckyte, turime su Laura vaziuoti i ryga, o per kaledu...
congratulations! Your letter has been saved and will be sent on 19-06-2022.
before your letter is sent, it will be safely stored in the swiss alps. Would you like to see where it is?
Tau rašo Greta iš praeities! būū, šiandien man sueina 17, švenčiu - prižiūriu Jorį. :) Liko metai iki pilnametystės, visai jau didelė aš, o jaučiuosi taip pat kaip visada turbūt -...