Labutis Dovyduk, rašau tau laiškutį iš praeities, šis laiškas rašytas 2011-11-09.
Tikiuos praplešė voką ir skaito Dovydas, o ne kas kitas, o jei jau taip kažkam pirštukai niežtėjo...
su gimimo diena!!! :DD, kaip sekasi? Tikiuosi, kad gerai :), ar jau turi šeima vaikų? Beja, linkėjimai visiems :D. Gali atrodyti keista, kad taip klausinėju, bet vis dėl to čia...
It's time for me to move on.. You'll always be my always. Thanks for everything, P. aju.
-forever beshie
hello you. future you, before i begin to talk about the future, i'll tell you about your current state right now, as of now you have 2 tasks which both are elit and it is currently 10.36pm, you're...
Today is your birthday and you are 11yrs. old and that means that soon you will be in the 6th grade and i heard that yo like to play basketball and xbox so have fun with your life jazzy j ttyl....