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Hey Jordan, I heard you are doing great in school and still playing your violin! Keep up the good work and stuff! I will be home for Christmas break next week and will be home for almost THREE...

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I am writing this on the 7th December 2011. It's nearly Christmas - and you're pretty excited. Tonight your belly is hurting from a sneaky McDonalds. Poor you, I hope by the time you're reading...

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Labas Sesyte :* Sveikinu su tortadieniu :* Tu visada busi mylimas ir mielas zmogutis, visada dėl tavęs pergyvensiu, norėsiu daugiau apie tave suzinoti, tu beabejo galbūt dėl to...

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Hey buddy you should be at least a boss or a manager right now. If you already are then I guess it is time to lay all our cards. If you dont have any Idea what I am talking about then check the...

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