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Привет. Не думаю, что это письмо дойдёт до тебя, но... сейчас 28 декабря, 2022 год 2:58 (на момент того, когда я...

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Hello Mam, It's seren from 2012. I'm doing this letter2future thing so hopefully you will get this on your 30th birthday in 2015, (You'll most probably get this a week later from your...

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Dear, My Future Self. Stay fabulous, keep ballin, and never forget Brian.By now you should have a job & be paying 1/2 of your car payment. Ways you could save money is by saving enough for half...

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Hey Josh, What's up man!? I heard you have all A's and B's in school! That's awesome! I know you are going to have a great time in High School. Even though graduating High School seems like an...

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Sveiki, tėveliai!!! Jūs šį laišką gavot praėjus 10 metų nuo parašymo datos. Čia rašo jūsų jauniausioji dukrelė - Miglė :) Kol kas dar man tik 17, greit sueis 18, bet kai gausit...

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