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Hello Nike, How is the exams result? If you didn\'t get what you want then it was me. I know I should have work harder than this. I am so sorry. I have no motivation at all. But I can promise...

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Привет! Сейчас у меня очень много планов и я надеюсь, что все сбудется. Все будет замечательно и я в это верю!...

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Hello Future Me, How's it going? You should probably get a job, as you will be fifteen when you get this, and you should take good care of your girlfriend Grace. I hope you are still with her,...

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Where the heck are you? At 20 you were in Juja. and really really disliking the country living. Are you still in Thika? Are you in the city? Do you have a house? Do you like where you live? Hey,...

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Кристиночка, привет тебе сейчас 15, а мне 11(( я хочу узнать как мы с Ваней будем, будем ли мы общаться? и когда я...

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