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Well, i don't really know what to say besides keep studying and looking over the notes we do in class and also try your best. Always try to smile and be happy as much as possible. Gotta raise that...

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Labas! Turbūt prisimeni, kaip rašei šį LOL laišką.Dabar yra 2012.08.24 11h 25 min.Artėja rugsėjo 1-oji.Vėl reiks grįžti į šulę... Gal jau lankai kokį būrelį? Ar ėjai į bažną...

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So I\'m writing this letter around 9:30 am, February 25, 2013. I feel unwanted. I feel unloved. Why is my sister suddenly being quiet and doesnt want to talk to me? Why is she like that? Why all of...

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Hey Mockingjay! Dont tell me you are over this hunger games obsession of mine! Well, in any case- you'll still be my mockingjay ;) So, I found this place where I can send my future self letters,...

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Gedai, Sveikas. Bandau kaip veikia. Tikiuosi gerai. Ir, tikiuosi, pas Tave viskas gerai. Aišku, kad gerai, juk aš atvažiavęs. Varom gerti. Dafaj, baik skaityti. Tavo eilė pilti, Mr. Pofick

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