Dear Me,
I miss you <3 . I want you to know that the avatar movie is coming out soon and I plan to watch it. My first year at UW I took a Fig (f) class, psych 101, Global health, Global health...
Labas Dariuk,
tau rašo Seva iš praeities. šiandien yra 2011.11.02, prieš kelias dienas mes išsiskyrėm ir dėl to man labai gaila...
nežinau, kokie mūsų santykiai bus, kai gausi šį...
I wanna know if you're laughin' or if you're sad.IF YOU'RE HAPPY GO ******' HARDCORE!
Hi selamat hari
I hope your still like soccer and your going to play for rocky.Are your grades good you'll get some money from mom and dad so do good. MY OLD TEACHER MR.MAKIE IS MAKING ME WRIGHT...