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Dear Oren Hey it's me Oren. I hope that I get my dream job. I also want my dream job still to be an accountant. I hope life will be easy. I hope that I will still be living in 1818 Montague Rd....

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Labas, Evaldai :) Šį laišką rašau 2012.02.15, kai gausi šį laišką jau bus tavoji diena, tavo gimimo diena ;) Tikiuosi, kad šią dieną vis dar laikysi mane savo glėbyje ir toliau...

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To Me This is kinda awkward ngl... Im not doing so well at the moment (what's new i know :-)) so just wanted to check in and hear from you. Happy Birthday btw! As I sit here between the...

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Hey, it's okay to be happy. You deserve happiness.

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Привет! Сейчас тебе 14, а на момент письма 13. Я искренне надеюсь,что война закончилась и ты нашла друзей. Верь...

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