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Labas Mama, Sveikinu su gimimo diena ir Anzelmo Matučio eilėraščiu: Tu šviesi kaip saulė, Kaip rytų aušra. Už tave pasauly Geresnės nėra. Tau karšta saulytė Siunčia...

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I am just gonna take notes on some things that I usually think about! Over the past few weeks, a lot of things have changed for me.. 1. I've been addicted to twitter which I am going to partially...

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Hello Guoda, If you\\\\\\\'re reading this letter, you got it! Horay. So, today it\\\\\\\'s your 16th birthday and I hope you\\\\\\\'re okay. Are you tumblr famous yet? Where have you traveled? Do...

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Happy birthday !!! fitri yang ke 23th Miss me? Sorry lah Aq bosan waktu corona ni aku nak keluar pon xleh baik buat letter utk aq in the future biar die sedar sikit So aq rasalah kaw dh grad...

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