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2021 Dear Rohan from 2021, This is your buddy from 2020. I hope corona is gone. That shit bothered a lot. And I so goddamn hope that I've achieved something by 2021. Just a few things is all....

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mnnghhmnnghhmnnghh mnnghh mnnghhmnnghhmnnghh mnnghhmnnghhmnnghh mnnghhmnnghhmnnghh

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Labas! Šiandien tavo 16tasis gimtadienis, sveikinu! Tiesa, jei vis dar nesupratai, kas tau rašo, tai žinok, kad rašai tu pati, prieš 3 metus. Tai kaip sekasi? Ar draugauji dar su Igne ir...

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Mieloji, Aš Rašau 2011 metais,rugsėjo 23 dieną, penktadienį. Būdama 15 metų,pakankamai sveika ir minimaliai protinga. Kaip tau sekas? Turi naujus namus ir kambarį? Kokia spalva...

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Maybe if they still brought people in this year still and even if I did hire somebody to help to make sure I do what is right for me and my future so I can hopefully be around in that other year...

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