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03.01.24 Год только начался, я в 7 классе в нише, друзья Сания и Рустам. Я поссорилась с Санией, надеюсь...

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Martin Jesus Espana Sandoval Villasenor Munoz VIII, By now you are old enough to assume command of the council of michoacan. The other ten families will put up a fight against you at first but...

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Dear Future Shamira, Just in case di dumating isang letter, may bayad kasi. hehe. Belated Happy Birthday! You are 27 already. Dapat nagmature na. Wiser. I am writing this letter...

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Labuka, sveikinu su margučių švente! Sėkmės ridenant margučius! Velykų kiškis Eina kiškis takeliu Su pintiniu krepšeliu. O krepšelyje margučiai, Duos kiškelis jų vaikučiams....

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engels is zaai

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