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Como é que é, Pina? Ter 21 anos sucka. Cheguei a uma fase em que a unica pessoa em quem confio, sou eu. Não tenho namorada nem tenho interesse em ter, apesar de me sentir sozinho e sinto...

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Dear leo, at this moment you´re studying for your high school exam, i hope you are free from the quarantine, you have been a good boy, continue studying, i hope you get in your high school, cause...

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Decime ashe intensa, pero es un añito gil, te amo. Aprovecho la situación para decirte que sos artx flacx, dea no. Quería decirte que te amo, que ojalá sigas inspirándome como lo haces cada...

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Dear FutureMe, On this day you got a call from a BPO company saying that you will have your exam tomorrow. Its not the kind of job you want at this moment since you are expecting to work in a...

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