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Sveikas kaip gyveni jau praejo desimt metu. jei vedes jau tai mldc jei eik zudytis sekmes gyvenime out

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hi im in highscool yay finally d,lvnhoawerjhbfojaebvhfoucv im so exited lololollololloololllooloilolooloooloololololololol ololololololololololl. i was so imature in 8th grade but ik i still that...

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Mummy wants yellow rose as a birthday gift

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Labas, Erika. Prisimeni mane? Kvailą, naivią, savęs nerandančią Eriką? Pirmiausia - Su gimtadieniu! Kokia esi dabar? Jei vis dar pasimetusi tarp gyvenimo kryžkelių - linkiu vienoje iš...

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2021 Dear Rohan from 2021, This is your buddy from 2020. I hope corona is gone. That shit bothered a lot. And I so goddamn hope that I've achieved something by 2021. Just a few things is all....

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