Надеюсь ты сделал игру как плонировал , либо стал киберспорцменом,ели нет то хотябы начаел стримить ( если...
Are you married yet? If not why not? What did you do wrong?
If so, and you own a home with a garden...
Today; Plant a tree and wait for maturity, once grown read a page of the life diary...
April 19, 2021
Dearest April 19,
Hi April! Happy birthday!
You’re 18 now and you’re sad. Currently, you are in your room. Do you even have a room? Remember your favorite worn out white...
Labas , dukryte !
Čia rašo tavo mamytė . Tu jau didelė užaugai dabar . Kai rašiau tau šį laišką tu buvai dar mažytė 1.3mėn buvai darželyje . Turbūt skaitai ir nesuvoki kas čia...
Hi sweetie,
It's been less than three months since you told me about her. The pain is less because slowly but surely I'm slowly accepting reality, that you chose her over me. Until now, I'm...