I admire you. you proved to me that you're not the same Aea before. I know that you will be very happy by now and hopefully, you passed the CET for your choice of university. I love you!
Labas, mažuti,
Kaip tu gyveni? Pirmiausia tai noriu tave pasveikinti su jubiliejumi. Tau jau 30! :*** Tikiuosi, kad pavyko rasti savo kelią ir sugebėjai išsikovoti savo vietą po saule :)...
I guess it's a new year for you. How's the world doing? Is it still a train wreck? You said you'd figure out what you wanted to do by now. How'd that turn out? I hope you found something and that...
вера, ты самая лучшая!! я не знаю как я сейчас выгляжу и не знаю как у меня дела но надеюсь, что все хорошо!! ты...
Ping Her. It's 2025 :) Yippeeee!! I'm gonna have long conversation today :D