Labas, Tėti ir Mama!
Šis laiškas atskriejo iš ateities. Dabar man 15 metų ir šiandieninė data trodo taip: 2013.06.30 . Tikiuosi jog 2023 metais aš vis dar gyva ir sveika, jūs taip pat.♥...
Hello Mam,
It's seren from 2012.
I'm doing this letter2future thing so hopefully you will get this on your 30th birthday in 2015,
(You'll most probably get this a week later from your...
For god sake, 17 April 2021.
We met in 8th grade, now I am in a 2nd semester of university and as I heard that you are in police??? I've forgotten you since we're focusing on our high school but...
vasara jau ne uz kalnu, o as vis dar galvoju ar ji bus pati geriausia gyvenime ar foreveralone... Taigi dabar pabandysiu parasyti kelis dalykus ka noreciau padaryti per vasara :DDD. Na...
I need to believe in myself, I can do this. Believe in yourself, - anything is possibles