Hi Mum and Dad.
Just wanted to send you a letter for Christmas from the past. Yes its early for Xmas but is to avoid late delivery. Anyway just wanted to say how much I love you both and how...
Dear future me,
Life right now is fun right now, lets hope that it stays this way. Our grades are “okay” and I hope that our grades in high school grades are better then now. If we change...
დღეს დედას და მამას ქორწინებიდან 25 წელი გავიდა Feeling hopeful, მინდა რომ კიდევ...
Išaušo ta diena, kai galiu pats save nuoširdžiai pasveikinti su 25-uoju gimtadieniu! Rokai, tikiuosi visi tavo norai išsipildė, o kas neišsipildė, dar išsipildys. :) Rašau tau...
Labas. Žinau jog aš esu tu, tu esi aš, bet tai koks skirtumas. Šiandien katė buvo pas veterinare (2015-01-16) (19:40). Tai va nežinau ka rasyti, bet mano iPade nėra visu Lietuvišlu raidžiu...