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Tonight I felt sad that the notes I kept in my phone is gone....??? I don't know what has happened. Has someone accidentally deleted it???? My comfort is that nothing happens to me without a...

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1) about you. you are great friend! AND! If we will continue to be friends after all 2 years and nothing happened then it\'s the real friendship! Hope at this time you\'ll have wife, cool bike and...

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Sveika, šeimyna :) Kaip gyvenat? Kaip laikotės? Rašau aš, Agnė iš praeities :) šiandien 2011.09.21 22:39. Siunčiu linkėjimus į ateitį. Visada norėjau Jums padėkoti, kad mane...

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Hey pal, how\'s it going? You good? I,m good. Do you remember when you typed this? You were sitting beside Harley, hacking puters. Life was easier back when I wrote this crap. Just hackin\' puters...

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