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Привет, малышка! Вот и прошло полгода с того момента, когда ты начала вести ежедневник «6 минут». Я надеюсь,...

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Hello there self !! I'm estimating by now, you're in college. Which is kinda crazy, because right now, I don't even have a solid plan for that but I'm hoping and PRAYING that you do. I'm hoping...

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Dear future maria, I would like you to know that write know is a hard time and it can change everyone's lives in a split second hundreds and thousands of people are dying each day because of the...

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Dear Danny, This is kind of weird--me sitting here writing this and reading it at the same time. Kind of unfair don't you think? I have no idea who you are. Yet, you have the privilege to know...

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Labas Mama, Sveikinu su gimimo diena ir Anzelmo Matučio eilėraščiu: Tu šviesi kaip saulė, Kaip rytų aušra. Už tave pasauly Geresnės nėra. Tau karšta saulytė Siunčia...

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