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С днем рождения Александр.

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Dear Andrew, You wrote this letter sitting from your Clyde & Co desk on August 15th 2012 at 8:58am. You will hopefully be reading this on your 21st birthday. Here is trusting that everything...

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Today you made a huge mistake. It feels like you've screwed up your entire life...I hope by now at 45 you've found something better and that your doing well. I want to believe this happened for a...

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Hello. This is your family from America. We would like to visit you, Edmund. We are so happy to see your homeland. It\'s wonderful. I hope you will see this letter because I\'m coming tomorrow. I...

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Ну что ты там?голова?тебе почти через 3 недели 18 и надеюсь, в свои 20 лет, я надеюсь, что ты счастлива и добилась...

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