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from: Rowan
Written: 17-08-2024
Will be sent: 17-09-2024
Dear Rowan Levi Thomas,
This letter was written by yourself on August 16th, 2024. What are you doing man? What's the love life, job situation, car??

Right now I have no job, I'm trying to get one though, I have a shitty car (1984 amc eagle), and my partner is Crow Rose.

Have Dad and Devry stopped making fun of you as much? If I were there I'd probably make fun of you lMAO. Also are you still doing music? Write any good songs? Are you famous? I don't know you but I wish I could meet you. Even if you're not doing well I still want to meet you.

Be kind to yourself man, don't be sysaphis and roll the rock by yourself. You're not alone, you got people I hope. If you are alone, get a dog. Dogs are good
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