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Ну рассказывай, как твои дела? Что в твоей жизни поменялось, на какую работу устроилась, пошла ли учиться?...

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heyy any1 wanna become friends? hmu on ig @jingluvglitter

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Dear Kilian's futur: I wrote this letter when I was fifteen years old, on monday,October,16th; when I'm twenty-five years old! I studiy in Sud Médoc high school, I'am fifteen yeras old, I...

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Pienso que eres una niña increible con una forma de ser increible, amo todo de ti y me alegra como has mejorado a pesar de que fue el año mas dificil para ti por todo lo que has pasado pero ha...

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Dear Stacey, Whats it like in the future? HAHAHA oh wait im gonna know! Do you still smoke? I hope not, it sucks.Did you manage to get a career? boyfriend or husband? kids?! i cant wait to find...

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