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Hello dear Gaby, I am writing this letter to you from the past. I wanted to say that no matter what happens, keep a smile on your face and be happy, because if you won\'t, who will? I mean no one...

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Draga mea, La mulţi ani! Cum e la 25 de ani? Sper că nu mă faci de râs! Că te-ai angajat, că ai luat licenţa cu bine, că ai terminat şi masterul..Cu dragostea cum e? Incă mai cauţi?...

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Sveika. Noriu sužinoti kaip tau (man) sekasi. Ar pavyko numesti svorio? Kaip sekasi gimnazijoje? Tikiuosi, kad viskas klostosi gerai. Monika XOXO

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Kumusta ka na? Sana ayos ka lang ngayon. I want you to open the playlist, it is time. Check the checklist (yes that's a pun, korni no?), anyways I am proud of you on the things that you...

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Hi, it's Brandon from December 10th, 2011 reminding you that it's been 10 years since Zack, Aaron, Justin, Steven, Sarah, Johnny, Brooke and I buried the time capsule in my backyard. My cousin...

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