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Hey Cass, How are you going? Very well, I hope. This letter will be sent a month after writing it (ie, January 9, 2012). If it arrives at that time, Happy 21st!! =) 2012 should be your...

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Dear FutureMe, YOU ARE TWO-ZERO! TWENTY! WOW! Now. You need to hangouts chat Isaac Perkins, (his email is dragonboyinafire@gmail.com. Remind him that at 20 you were gonna buy Twenty One Pilots...

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Привет! Сегодня 15.06.2022. Мне 31 год) Забавно, правда? Таюше 8 лет, а Ваське 7. Тайка закончила первый класс, а...

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Sveika, Sandrute. Sveikinu su mūsų švente! Tadas

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Labas, Raminta! Čia aš, Raminta iš 2012-ųjų. Tikriausiai jau senai esu pamiršusi šį laišką. Dabar mano gyvenimas yra keistai geras! Draugauju su Arnu ir tuo labai džiaugiuosi. Myliu jį....

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