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from: kara
Written: 31-01-2015
Will be sent: 03-09-2020
Dear Future Carla,
i hope that today you are the person you always set out to be. i hope you accomplished everything that they said you could never do. how many lives do you change in a day? do you speak out what is right, or sit there regretting your silence? i hope you are what i'm not.

i hope you speak out with such a voice that everyone around you can hear it even when you aren't speaking. i want you to have a power in the way you speak - giving light into someone's world filled with darkness.

i hope you live as if you are the only one capable of making difference, and embracing that ability in the best way possible. you don't need to have your name written in the text of a history book, but you need to live to make your words give life to the ones who thought they didn't deserve one.

when you read this letter, i hope you are somewhere where all of your previous goals can be made accomplishments.

i hope you still remember your past, and pass on your story to those who need to hear it most - to show them that they are not alone.

i hope you achieved that brighter, happier life you used to daydream about when you were younger.

i hope all of your dreams became your reality, and i hope that eventually your nightmares dissolved into the depths of your past - never hunting you again.

i hope that you one day took of thew mask that hid the truth. that you built, and learned to trust someone - really trust them - somewhere along your journey.

i hope that you look at the mirror with a small, true smile and be proud of what you see.

i hope that you learned to break through the surface of the water drowning you - anxiety.

i hope that you now see the world from a whole new perspective, and learned to enjoy the sun more than the rain... most of all, i hope you learned to speak. to speak in such a voice that must be heard; a voice that embroiders your words onto a heart that needed the most.

i hope that you are happy, and teach ones who are like the old you to be happy as well.

i hope that today you are the person you set out to be.


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