Will you regret about what you have chosen so far?
Ciao Aurora!
Come va? Spero che tu stia passando un periodo migliore di quello che sto passando io. Ci sono così tante cose da raccontare... Innanzitutto, la mia migliore amica (spero che sia...
To sumayya!
I'm writing this letter in a year that has been trying in the most unexpected of ways. Facing a pandemic, a shitty college, loads of assignments, presentations, exams, feeling light...
Dear, Yuritza
I'm making this letter on May 25, 2023 for my Social Psychology class. We decided that we could put any date for when we want to get this and I'm gonna do May 25, 2025. I'm most...
Labas Dariuk,
tau rašo Seva iš praeities. šiandien yra 2011.11.02, prieš kelias dienas mes išsiskyrėm ir dėl to man labai gaila...
nežinau, kokie mūsų santykiai bus, kai gausi šį...