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Dear Madison, I'm writing this letter on January 27th, 2016. I just randomly found this website so this is kind of a spur of the moment deal. I'm just gonna talk about shit I'm dealing with right...

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sveika, sveikinu tave su gimtadieniu, linkiu tau laimės, džiaugsmo, sveikatos, meilės, gražių čiuvų, svajonių išsipildymo ir visko ko tavo širdis geidžia!!! Myliu -A.D.

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Merry Christmas Future William I hope that you have had a wonderful year and so far a delightful christmas. I am sending this to you from November the 23rd. I discovered a site like this using...

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i just finished watching a hallmark movie (i didn't even see the title actually). This movie was about a New York copy editor who had a lot of fear, and about a photographer who had issues of...

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Dear anyone from the future im in desperate need of help, i have been on dialysis now for about 12 yrs, the year now is 2020, to be exact, 2020-09-01, during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, i...

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