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i'm here, very happy. with my sweet kids (Ali 5 y.o., Sanam 3.5 y.o.), young and healthy parents (dad 55, and mummy 50 y.o.). With my lovely friends. With my troubls in my work (torsvik)....

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Niekada nepamiršk,jog gyvenimas nelaukia ,kol tu pasiryši. Daryk, mylėk,negalvok, nesvarbu ką ir kaip. Padaryk viską ,kad sekundė,kurioje esi būtų verta žodžio "Fantasmagoriška"....

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Happppppy birthday girl! Today you are 15. Now you are allowed to party. Just not drink. Not yet, baby girl. Anyway here is a reminder for the following year. 1. Pray. Stop slacking...

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Der special jamy I me love with u got bo I love wearing girls clothes and dressing up u t2 jony is a spec like u aswel

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ха-ха, лох

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