Labas! Šiandien tavo 16tasis gimtadienis, sveikinu! Tiesa, jei vis dar nesupratai, kas tau rašo, tai žinok, kad rašai tu pati, prieš 3 metus. Tai kaip sekasi? Ar draugauji dar su Igne ir...
hey whats up. School is almost here! hope every things going good. now remember be outgoing, confident and do all your work. alllll your work and i mean all. Also talk to people say hi in the...
Dear son,
I am writing this letter to thank God because you are part of my life. When you were born I became a happier person. God is being good to me. When I look to the past, I feel really...
Hi are you? how is university? are you even in university? ugh ironic how im writing this right now and wasting my time when i should be off doing something else... haha. im pathetic....