ciao me del futuro devi sapere che in questo momento sto scegliendo un liceo e oggi mi iscrivero al Liceo Artistico, spero che tra 5 anni sarai fiero di questa scelta e potrai seguire i tuoi sogni...
Labas mamyte,
niekad nerašiau Tau laiško...retai Tau paskambinu...dar rečiau aplankau...niekad neišdrįsau tiesiai į akis pasakyti kaip aš Tave smarkiai mylėjau, myliu ir mylėsiu (gal...
hello you. future you, before i begin to talk about the future, i'll tell you about your current state right now, as of now you have 2 tasks which both are elit and it is currently 10.36pm, you're...
Dear Me. :) - When you receive this letter you should be past your 21st birthday, you will have competed in many stick fights (hopefully no more broken bones), you will have done the dreaded senior...
Dnes je 8. marca 2013 a tento list by Ťa mal zastihnúť na tvoje 30-te narodeniny.
Drahé moje budúce ja, práve si sa rozhodovala či dať preč Tvoje milované mačičky Ceylan a...