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Dear old old old old Kassidy, so you're about to graduate high school and i see you've already became supes rich. I know you are probably supes busy with you're...

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Niall Horan Harry Styles Zayn Malik Louis Tomlinsoon Liam Payne ONE DIRECTION One Dream , one band , ONE DIRECTION 2010 -

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Labas Karoli, sveikinu tave su 36-uoju gimtadieniu. Linkiu gereusiu akimirku ateity, ir visko kas gereusia. Karolis is Websters Land , Edinburgh.

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WEll, this is yourself from 2013, I have probably forgot ive sent this letter. Gerorge is good he is 8 and hes just as annoying as he is now. mum is awesome is good also, she has a boyfriend (lee)...

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Taigi, šiandien rugpjūčio 2 diena. Sėdžiu darbe, nuobodu, dar manęs čia niekas nepasveikino, baisu, kad pyragai nesurugtų nuo karščio. Kaip gyvenu ? Sunku priprasti prie darbo ritmo,...

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