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Hey....uh....Jane if you still prefer to be called like that you freaking weeboo. Listen here, 24 year old me. First, you're old. Pls tell me you have a job and someone you love and at least...

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Dear Claire, We are sorry for ripping your coat. We can hardly sleep at night. Its horrible so we wrote you a poem: We ripped coat So we left you this note Taj Could have died see it from...

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Sveika :) Esu tikra, kad šių kalėdų laukei taip pat spirgėdama, kaip ir visų ankstesnių :))) Ir štai... jos atėjo :)) Taip ir matau... pasipuošus pušis, meduoliukai, žibintai,...

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Hola Juli, quizás cuando te llegue esto, quizás sea medio raro para vos, para mí no porque es primero de agosto de 2020, en plena cuarentena por pandemia jajaj, ojalá sigamos hablando man, sino...

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Dear Future Me, I am doing okay in life right now, not great but all right. I am currently traveling around and playing baseball on weekends and during the week. I have had my phone taken away...

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