would like to see myself enrolling in college to pursue my dreams of becoming a journalist and a choral director. Some of the goals and dreams that I want to come true is receiving money to go to...
Labas Paula,
Tau rašo... ta pati Paulina. Norėjau pasveikinti su... 19 - tuoju gimtadieniu!!! Būk kuo laimingesnė, linksmesnė ir nutrūktgalviškesnė. Kaip sakant \\\\\\\"Juk YOLO\\\\\\\"....
Hi Mahal,
Oh diba, hopeful kaayo ang greeting nga kita pa jud one year after I type this email. Hihihi!
I'm sending this today because I've been missing you so much. I know you don't like...
Hey Soph,
You're probably staring at your computer right now (or whatever new fancy gadget you're using and going "omg I forgot about this!" (unless "omg" died and is now considered weird). Hey...