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я надеюсь ты добилась всего что хотела, и война же уже закончилась?... В любом случае, удачи

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Ti ricordi di questo periodo? Stavi cercando di creare la tua impresa. Quanto tempo speso a scrivere il BP, a fare calcoli, a incazzarti con Word ti apriva il doc di Neonisi e crashava. Ma ce...

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Dear Future me, June 7, 2021 3:15PM While you are writing you thought your phone doesn't have enough signal for internet not to received messages but only to find out wala ragud siya ni reply...

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sveikute Prieš akis iškyla tos dar nerūpestingos vasaros, kai pabudus ryte už praverto lango galėdavi išgirsti šurmulį. Kartais jis erzindavo, bet prisipažinsiu, kad dabar velniškai jo...

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Dear Matt, Well, your finally 18 (or close to 18, depending on when you read this letter). What are you gonna do? And no. I don't mean what are you gonna do with the money you got. What are...

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