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Hi A. I just hope that you are extremely okay now. I just want you to know that I'm still thinking of you now, if you're okay, if you're doing well. Ayoko na magenglish muna. Pero gusto na...

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Короче с летом тебя все чики руки надеюсь Помирились с Андреем с АСадбекам и с Артемам надеюсь да а так...

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Hi David, I wrote this letter on 17/06/2013 (I have just ordered your birthday present :-S ). I wrote this on a website called letter2future. I wanted to let you know how much I love you, I...

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오늘도 건강한 음식으로 걱정을 덜게 해주신 부모님께 감사합니다. 한미FTA로 가장 걱정인 것은, 늦게서야 알게된 부모님이 농사지으신 음식의...

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Sveika šeimynėle, jei gavote šį laišką, turėtų būti praėję 10 metų po jo parašymo. Taigi Jums rašo Jūsų 20-metė dukra, sesuo :) Nežinau kaip dažnai Jums sakau "myliu", bet...

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