Labas Čia aš tai yra tu :D
kaip sekasi kas naujo kaip gyveni ?
Norėjau priminti jog jau ruoštumeisi Kalėdom! :)
dabar yra 2012-11-12 as darau matematikos namu darbus ir kalbu su Diana :)...
dear future self. This is really cool and look back at this moment and remember you need to do better and be happy with your life.
Dear future me,
I'm writing this letter to say hi :) it's been a long year since I wrote this letter for you (January 6, 2016). I hope and I pray that you become what you want to be....
Hi 23 year old Kasey in 2017,
It's 18 year old Kasey from 2012. That's is the day you wanted to read this letter. Kinda hoping it's more fun to read this than it is discouraging....
Hola Alisha
Espero que te encuentres bien y que hagas logrado tu metas de pasar el grado 12 que te hayas graduado. También espero que seas muy feliz y esté orgullosa de quien eres. Quiero que...