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Můj milý Martine, dne 2.7. jsme se domluvili ze si pošleme dopisy do budoucnosti. Dnes nastal ten den, kdy ti měl dorazit ten můj. Chtěla bych ti vyřídit, že stejně jako jsem tě milovala...

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Dear me.... In the future I will be rich, I will have a black lamborghini, I will work as a banker and I will have a beautiful and very good husband. I will leave in a big house on three flats....

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Dear future me, Hello future Max this is past Max but you probably know that. Life is good where I hope we have that new computer along with a lot of things. First of all I have a lot of...

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sveikas Žygi (as), rasau tau is praeities, jei atmintis slubuoja, patikrink svetaine www.letter2future.com ir suprasi, jog nemeluoju :) tikiuosi neprasigeriai ir kryptingai sieki savo tikslu, o...

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