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Sveikute (aš, nežinau kaip kreiptis;D), Dabar 2012.08.09 21:19 Slovakijos laiku, aš Slovakijoje atlikineju praktiką, labai šaunią ir įdomią. Sugalvojau parašyti šį laišką, nes...

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Hi Warinya, Today's date is August 1 2010. I have a feeling that you will get this letter and we will be a couple when you get this letter. I am crazily, and madly in love with you. I can't...

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Day 528 Mitu

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Hi Karla This is just a test

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I am just gonna take notes on some things that I usually think about! Over the past few weeks, a lot of things have changed for me.. 1. I've been addicted to twitter which I am going to partially...

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