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Dear Future me, Hello kakatapos mo lang basahin aot manga grabe anganda. grabe din iyak mo kay hange haup kah. PERO OK LANG FAV MO NAMAN YON GRABE OBSESSION MO SAKANYA TAS SA AOT....

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Sveika, Inga, kaip smagu, kad nuo šiol nebereikės slėpti laiškų nuo savęs, kad vėliau juos rastum ir patirtum tą malonų nustebimą, kai gyveni jau kita diena ir visai kitais rūpesčiais,...

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Troy, If you are receiving this, I hope we are still together. Today July 1, 2013 we have been together for a full yr. Best days of my life! You are my everything and I believe you know this....

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Kak zhyviosh?

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Dear Chase, Ya big goof! Why you gotta be famous already? I'm writing this from work at Arena, remember when you used to work there? Psh, that's old news! Love you! Hope you got a hot girlfriend...

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