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Hi Qil happy birthday :) Udah berapa kado gambar yang lo terima sampai detik ini? Most likely An bakal ngasih unfinished art lagi ya...hahaha. Anaknya emang sibuk banget sih, maklumin aja. Tapi...

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this is a test letter

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Dear future self, I am 13 years old and it is the second week of school. I sit next to this kid named Trini. Today is the the first day of basketball tryouts. This quarter i would...

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Continu de voir tes amis, Jérémie, Roselynn, Nicolas, Élisa, Jakob, Jules, Laurie, Angel, Simom, Arsou. Se sont des vrai amis et ne t'avise pas de les laissé tomber car se sont eux qui te...

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Happy birthday !!! fitri yang ke 23th Miss me? Sorry lah Aq bosan waktu corona ni aku nak keluar pon xleh baik buat letter utk aq in the future biar die sedar sikit So aq rasalah kaw dh grad...

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