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Hello! I\'m 28 now, I\'m fat, ugly, without work and girl... Also I got white hairs on head )partly) and I even began to lose hair... I feel like loser, if I don\'t have an internet - well, I then...

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Labas Ugnyte, Rašau tau laišką iš praeities. Dabar tau yra tik du su puse metukų ir tu dar nemoki skaityti, bet kai gausi šitą laišką jau pati galėsi perskaityti. Dabar jau tau yra...

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I am just gonna take notes on some things that I usually think about! Over the past few weeks, a lot of things have changed for me.. 1. I've been addicted to twitter which I am going to partially...

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Labas, ateities Daniele, kaip laikaisi? Noriu Tavęs paklausti, kaip praėjo Kalėdos? Aš žinau mūsų senąą svajonę, turėti interaktyvų žaidimą "X-box". Ar gavai jį? Mūsų mielasis...

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Hi baby girl, This is your past self on the 12.06.16 sending you an email. So currently; you are living across from harbour town on the Gold Coast, you've been working at Sheridan since feburary,...

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