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Labas, su gimimo diena!!! :DD, kaip sekasi? Tikiuosi, kad gerai :), ar jau turi šeima vaikų? Beja, linkėjimai visiems :D. Gali atrodyti keista, kad taip klausinėju, bet vis dėl to čia...

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Hello Adam in the future. Throughout this school year I would like to learn more about the world in general. More about jobs and what is to come in the future. I hope to make many new friends this...

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Hello Jess: so you probably aren't expecting this letter, because you'll have forgotten all about it and how you ever wrote it... but this is you. And I'm writing to remind you of your hopes and...

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Anh của em, Lại thêm một bức thư em gửi Nhật mà chẳng biết anh có đọc hay ko :)). Khi anh nhận được bức thư này thì mình cũng đã xa nhau một khoảng...

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Hi, it's Brandon, writing on December 10th, 2011, reminding you that it's been 10 years since Zack, Aaron, Justin, Steven, Sarah, Johnny, Brooke and I buried the time capsule in my backyard. My...

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