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Dear Olivia (رؤية), The last 10 days of Ramadan are coming soon. It\'s August 1st now, 2:32 a.m. on a Tuesday, you know how I always have trouble going to bed on time (It\'s something you...

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Miela tu mano, Šiandien yra rugsėjo 20 diena, antradienis, 2011, tu sedi savo kambaryje ant lovos tarp sukrautu tasiu, LRT sneka apie benamiu integracijos projekta, skamba telefonas, pakeli o...

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你好呀!几个月后的我自己,你现在?? ?该已经跨过的人生中比较重要的一道? ??。之前为了不影响你考试,所以现在...

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Labas, su gimimo diena!!! :DD, kaip sekasi? Tikiuosi, kad gerai :), ar jau turi šeima vaikų? Beja, linkėjimai visiems :D. Gali atrodyti keista, kad taip klausinėju, bet vis dėl to čia...

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A letter of reconciliation, realization and apology. I know I said these a lot of times but I was really blinded by hate and anger. I became the person I hate. I was hurt so much that you...

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