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Hey bish!! Wassup?! I hope u r having a pretty better time than me (ur present self ofc)! So recently you are voluntary freaking yourself out, I mean why do u do that to yourself!? U already...

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Привет, это ты только из 2024 года. Я надеюсь ты уже связала ту кофту которую хотела и сейчас вяжешь всякое. Я...

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Hi Olivia! It's me Ashton! Not from the future, or the past. I am from the present. I sent this yesterday so that I could tell a few secrets. I feel bad for telling Spencer and KK (when I still...

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Hey Vincenzo, Vincent, Vince, Vin, or whatever people call you in High School, 7/21/2014 at 6:00pm EST @ 3 Corwin Street, Randolph, NJ 07869 Today, the day you\'re reading this, is the...

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Ciao Antonio del futuro. Ti scrivo dal 16 maggio 2020, in un mondo dominato dal Covid dove le mascherine sul viso sono la normalità. So che sei stato male durante tutto l'anno 2020, so che ti...

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