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Dear Alexa, Right now we have a fairly optimistic outlook on life and I hope that hasn’t changed. The only thing we are afraid of is social interactions. Which basically means that...

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Labas! Ho ho ho!Tau raso Santa is Laplandijos Santa nori tave pasveikint su taip visus metus lauktom Sv.Kaledom! Santa nori rau palinket per sias KALEDAS kepti daug daug imbieriniu...

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Dear FutureMe, Hi! It's High School Senior Cammy! It's been 3 years, I wonder how you're doing now? I really hope you're doing well... Have you met the guy of your dreams yet or are you still that...

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Привіт!!!! Це я Аня зараз 2023 рік я люблю пушин кета та знімаю в лайк а ще зараз у нас війна

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Ну че сдала огэ? Надеюсь ты стала лучше и внешне и внутренне.. Ну Типо печень в другой цвет покрасила? Может...

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