Caden, by now you should graduate high school, and in California for your 18th birthday, celebrating with all of your family. Not only that, there should be a new addition to the family who has yet...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! How have you been ? Well Ik your turning 16. So that's good lol. Well happy sweet 16
Dear mom. You're 50. You're old. - Brendan. (11/7/11)
dear future me i hope you doing well what ever your doing know in your life i hope your happy.i also hope your over the girl in 9th grade.hey please keep reading cause i know we dose off some times...
Dear Alex (Diesel Hammer),
By the time you read this, the greatest journey you have ever taken part in will be coming to end. I hope you can be proud of all that you have accomplished in the...