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(4/50) June 29, 2019 (Wednesday) Airport, Hong Kong It's been a while since I've written to you, hasn't it? Don't expect any apologies for the lapses in my writing. It just means that your...

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omg guoda labas omg slasho koncas omg wololo ka tu xdxd eiina sau man salta varom i lizda ar kaip jis ten dabar vadinas pachatint omg slasho koncas woooohooooo linkejimai valiui xdxd...

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Dear Archana, Are you happy? Have you found someone who you like and who likes you back yet? Its 23rd April here and you still haven't moved on completely. You meet two guys around this time. I...

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Happy birthday !!! fitri yang ke 23th Miss me? Sorry lah Aq bosan waktu corona ni aku nak keluar pon xleh baik buat letter utk aq in the future biar die sedar sikit So aq rasalah kaw dh grad...

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